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Social Media and Online Reputation Management

The usage of Social Media sites continues to climb every day. This of course means, that your customers are using this ‘Social Web’ in ever increasing numbers. While sitting atop Google is always a good thing, in this video Dave discusses why a presence on these Social Networks and moreover – maintaining a strong Online Reputation – is a critical part of your small businesses online success.

Video Transcription –

Hi There! Dave Forster with Adster Creative. In our last video, we finished off talking about online word of mouth. Of course talking about online word of mouth, we are talking about social media management and reputation management.

Now, back in the day, being at the top of Google meant everything for your small business, that’s where all the action was and thats where all the business was. These days new websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are becoming increasingly important in your small businesses online strategy and the reason that these websites are important are actually pretty simple.

Did you know that on a website like Facebook that an average user spends over 700 minutes per month? On Twitter, there’s over 1700 tweets sent out per second. And on YouTube there’s over seven hundred billion views of videos every month – these are staggering numbers. While Google is still very important, your small business needs to be listed on these properties. It’s not just because it’s the fact that it’s a place to find new customers and new users, it’s an environment that you can really engage these users and kind of get them a little bit more warmed up to your brand. Let them know a little bit more about who you are in a more social environment. So social media, if it isn’t, should be absolutely an important part of your online strategy.

The other part of this is reputation management. When we talk about reputation management what we’re talking about doing is making sure that your brand and your company name is being viewed in a positive light online. So if we go to Google, or if we go online and we type in your business name, what are we seeing on the first page of Google’s results. Invariably we’re gonna see things like your website, but we may also see your Facebook page, your Twitter page, and your YouTube profile. We’re invariably gonna see some review outlets on this first page as well these might include things like your Google Places page, or maybe a Yelp profile. So in reputation management we want to make sure that this first page of Google results paints an overwhelmingly positive view of your business.

Social Media and Reputation Management are the last pieces in the puzzle for your online strategy. That is going to conclude our introductory video series. And we’ll see you back here soon for our next video where we’re gonna tackle a whole bunch of other really cool and interesting stuff.