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Client Level Communication

When a client is meeting with you for the first time, they will want to understand everything you can do for them. In this moment you will have a golden opportunity to connect with them. But this opportunity can take a turn for the worse quite rapidly if you are not aware of a simple premise I like to call “Client level communication”. Let’s dive in!

When the human body has adhered to static environments for prolonged periods of time, it can promote strenuous superfluous external stimuli that cause compression to the myofascial tissue in the superficial back line. Over time, a reiteration of this environment can lead to chronic symptoms that would inhibit the body’s mobility. Thus, potentially causing acute and/or chronic hypersensitivity to posterior regions of the body.

Yeah, did you like that? Did you enjoy what you just read? Chances are….probably not. Or was that snippet of information a little closer to overwhelming/confusing/hard to read/all of the above? Now, unless you have an expert vocabulary and adept understanding of the human body, I’d be willing to bet a very large portion of our viewers already hit the back button to abort the perceived insanity halfway through the first sentence. *Sigh* I guess we have to take one for the team to prove a point.

So instead of using that whole 428 characters (you can check if you like) to write out all of that technical jargon, I really just could have said, “When you sit for too long, it can cause your body pain”.

Yes, I know, I used an anatomy example in a digital marketing blog. But it’s for good purpose. It’s a great example of outrageous and unnecessary vocabulary. And as a guy who sits at his desk all day long, I’m all too familiar with the myofascial ailments to my superficial backline that come with it. I digress.

Now here’s my point. This exact same thing happens in every different type of industry. All too often, we get excited to meet with a potential client and we want to showcase how much of an expert we are in our respective fields. We want to establish our dominance early, and really put the client in their place. Why? Because we know our STUFF, and we want them to KNOW IT! Now while I do agree that we want to establish our stance as the expert in these conversations, this is a critical point in the discussion that can go one of two directions.

The first direction is where most businesses go. They try to force the client to come up to their level of conversation. So what happens is they get verbal diarrhea and spew all this technical jargon at the client and expect the client to know what they are talking about. Nine times out of ten, the client is just quietly nodding their head, but they really have no clue what you are talking about. And in all reality, they are probably screaming on the inside because they just want to leave, and are regretting stepping foot outside their vehicle.

Man nodding with no idea

*Hint* if the client does not know what you are talking about, you can guarantee there will be the bare minimum value being built. NO VALUE = NO SALE

Now the second option is to bring the conversation down to the clients level. This involves truly listening to the client and a level of humility. Now there are many levels of listening, but to do this properly you will want to get very good at what is called Empathetic Listening. To learn a little more about the different levels of listening click here.

When we take the time to listen, we can actually find out what will resonate with that specific client in that specific conversation. I’ve personally met with thousands of people in these types of interactions, and I’ve come to a simple conclusion….most people like simple and easy to understand terminology.

Another great example of this is data collected for business purposes. For the most part, the way data is delivered to the user, is very technical. And the majority of people who look at those numbers, charts, graphs and/or matrix code cannot make sense of it all.

This is exactly why the good folks as Adster Creative created SuperDASH, our proprietary reporting software that was built with our clients in mind. We thought that this was so important, that we created a solution to make data easy to understand from the client’s point of view. We want to show our clients that reporting and tracking do not have to be complicated and it can be presented in an easy to understand way. We took all the complicated data and streamlined it into an easy access platform so our clients can be current with all the info they need to know about their digital marketing.

So the question to ask, is this: Is it more important to sound really smart? Or is it more important to deliver a message that will resonate with the client on their level?

If you would like to learn more about how Adster uses their proprietary reporting software to help their clients, contact us today.